Beautiful Blastoff SpaceX Falcon 9 with 5th Batch Starlink Broadband Satellites, Misses Booster Landing: Photos

For & RocketSTEM CAPE CANAVERAL AIR FORCE STATION, FL – Under foggy skies that enveloped the launch pad in the hours leading up to launch and for a time threatened to postpone liftoff, and after days of delays due to poor weather and technical problems with the SpaceX rocket, a quadruple recycled Falcon 9 booster blasted off successfully into

Solar Orbiter Streaks to Space on ULA Atlas V to Explore Sun’s Polar Region and Space Weather: Photos

ESA/NASA Solar Orbiter mission to study the Sun streaks to space atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida at 11:03 p.m. EST on Feb. 9, 2020 – in this long duration exposure taken from the roof of NASA’s iconic Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) with photographers in the foreground. Credit: Ken Kremer/

Despite Hard Droneship Landing SpaceX Retracts All 4 Recycled Falcon 9 Starlink Landing Legs, Lowered Horizontal for Cape Transport: Photos

For & RocketSTEM PORT CANAVERAL, FL – Despite a hard landing on the OCISLY droneship minutes after last weeks Starlink mission blastoff on Jan. 29, SpaceX workers were able to successfully retract all four of the recycled Falcon 9 landing legs without too much hardship in Port Canaveral on Monday, Feb. 3 although they were significantly deflected at touchdown

Under Gloomy Skies Recovered SpaceX Starlink Booster Sails Triumphantly into Port Canaveral: Photos

For & RocketSTEM PORT CANAVERAL, FL – Under gloomy and rainy Space Coast skies the triply launched and recovered Falcon 9 1st stage booster triumphantly sailed into Port Canaveral atop the OCISLY droneship Saturday morning Feb. 1, at the channel entrance past Jetty Park Pier – nearly three days after the oft weather delayed but nevertheless spectacular launch of