Dr. Ken Kremer offers lectures about both NASA human spaceflight programs and robotic spaceflight missions – specializing in Mars
He has presented hundreds of space lectures at astronomy clubs and forums, schools, educational and religious institutions, companies and conventions.
Contact Ken to schedule:
email: kremerken at yahoo.com or ken at kenkremer.com
twitter @ken_kremer FB https://www.facebook.com/kremerken1
Ken is based nearby the Kennedy Space Center in Titusville, FL., active in outreach and interviewed regularly on TV and radio about space topics. Dr. Kremer offers independent analysis about space topics.
Dr. Ken Kremer is a research chemist, space/science journalist, photographer, speaker and founder/managing editor of Space UpClose website reporting up close on all things related to NASA and Space Exploration
Note: Ken regular does space outreach events during KSC launches at the Quality Inn Kennedy Space Center, Titusville, FL . Evenings. Free and open to the public
Jean Wright – Space Shuttle Technician & Sew Sister. Assistant News Director Space UpClose
Offers inspirational lectures about her work on the Space Shuttle and STEM/STEAM subjects
Space UpClose writer & photographer
Space apparel for sale: Shirts, Face Masks, Ties, Lanyards, and more
UpComing Presentations & Talks by Ken & Jean
Aug 11: Fairbanks Museum & Planetarium, St Johnsbury, VT
“Eyewitness to NASA Human and Robotic Explorers”
Aug 19: McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center, Concord, NH
“Sew Sister to the Stars: How the Humble Art of Sewing Transformed the World of Flight”
Upcoming talks: by Dr. Ken Kremer
Dec 14: 4 PM Co-Host on ‘Stay Curious’ discussing “Return & Resurgence of US Human Space Flight” with Jean Wright – Live at the American Space Museum, Titusville, FL
Nov 25, 730 PM, Rittenhouse Astronomical Society, PA: ” NASA Mission Update on Human Spaceflight Resuming in US and Mars Perseverance Rover.” Lecture free. Open virtually to the public.
Website: http://www.rittenhouseastronomicalsociety.org/
Recent talks : by Dr. Ken Kremer:
Nov 23, 1 PM, Titusville, FL: “50th Anniversary Apollo 12 and NASA Return to the Moon with Project Artemis” at American Space Museum, Titusville, FL. Lecture free. Open to the public.
Website: www.spacewalkoffame.org
Sep 21: American Space Museum, Titusville, FL
“Exploring Mars and the Search for Life – 3D” & “NASA human spaceflight update”
Website: http://spacewalkoffame.org/event/museum-day-2019
Aug 30: Skyscrapers Inc. Astronomical Society, North Scituate, RI
“Exploring Mars and the Search for Life – 3D” & “NASA human spaceflight update”
Website: http://www.theskyscrapers.org/special-presentation-by-dr-ken-kremer

Dr Ken Kremer, scientist, journalist, speaker and founder of Space UpClose news website